Core Workout With CoolTone
What’s more attractive than a slim waistline and sculpted abs? No wonder people are searching for the next promising core workout to chisel their abdomen. Unfortunately, the number of crunches necessary to attain a six pack makes this aesthetic practically unattainable for most of us until now. The secret is not a new ab workout or core machine. It’s CoolTone. The revolutionary body contouring treatment FDA cleared for the strengthening, firming, and toning of the abdominal muscles.
Read on to learn more about this treatment and discover if CoolTone can help you attain a stronger abdomen.
What Can Traditional Core Workouts Do?
Sit-ups, crunches, planks are great ab exercises for working your core. And when done correctly and commonly, they can strengthen your abdomen. However, they may not chisel the abs the way you’re expecting.
What Traditional Core Workouts Cannot Do?
Science shows us that six-pack abs are elusive to most people, whether they go to the gym and put in the time or not. We can thank genetics for this.
Moreover, you can have super strong abs, but if you carry extra weight around your midsection, that belly fat may obscure any musculature of your abdomen. And no amount of core exercises can change that. The notion that specific ab exercises can spot reduce abdominal fat is a myth. Working out muscles that lay below fat deposits don’t specifically target the nearby bulge.
Related article: Non-Invasive Fat Reduction >>
Working Your Core With CoolTone
Fortunately for those who don’t have the time, drive, or genetics to sculpt six-pack abs, CoolTone is scientifically demonstrated to strengthen the core significantly.
CoolTone utilizes advanced electromagnetic technology to induce a physical response known as magnetic muscle stimulation (MMS). During the treatment, electromagnetic energy penetrates the muscle tissue. The energy then stimulates the tissue to contract.
A treatment induces more than 20,000 contractions in a single, painless, 30-min. procedure.
These aren’t the typical muscle contractions you induce at the gym during various core workouts or other strength training exercises. These contractions are known as supramaximal, meaning beyond (supra) what’s possible (maximal.)
In response to the powerful tension placed on the targeted tissue, the body adapts by creating more muscle cells and enlarging existing muscle tissue. This results in a stronger core and more sculpted abs.
Related article: How does CoolTone work?
Finding the Best CoolTone Provider
If you want to chisel your abdomen and sport washboard abs, now’s your chance. Get started on your transformation to a slimmer, sculpted physique by scheduling a FREE consultation with the Laser + Skin Institute. Reach out online or call (973) 635-5050.
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