CoolSculpting Chin and Neck Fat | Best Double Chin Reduction
CoolSculpting chin fat and neck fat is the best way to reduce fat cells in those areas without painful, invasive surgery. This revolutionary fat reduction procedure eliminates stubborn bulges with minimal to no downtime. If you are tired of being bothered or embarrassed by double chins or turkey necks, this is the perfect solution for you. Read on to learn more about this fat reduction treatment.
What Causes Chin and Neck Fat?
Lifestyle choices are not the only cause of double chins and turkey necks. These notoriously stubborn bulges of fat can be influenced by hormones, age, genetics, and gender. According to some polls, double chins affect 2 out of 3 adults in America.
Before CoolSculpting chin treatments, liposuction was the preferred option for reducing double chin fat and neck fat that are diet and exercise resistant. With CoolSculpting, you can now spot reduced fat cells in both the chin and neck areas without surgery and minimal to no downtime.
CoolSculpting the chin and necks are one of the most popular treatment applications for men. Learn more.
Do Double Chin Exercises Work?
The idea that you can diet and exercise to “spot reduce” stubborn fat is a myth. No matter how much you diet or try to do exercises that target the chin or neck, those bulges may remain. Instead of wasting your time stressing yourself out with double chin exercises and neck fat diets, invest in a CoolSculpting chin treatment.
Double Chin Reduction with CoolMini
CoolSculpting first emerged in 2010, taking the world by surprise with the phenomenal fat reducing technology known as Cryolipolysis. Treatments expose fat cells to a controlled cooling that ultimately freezes the cell, causing it to die.
The CoolMini is an applicator specifically made to treat small, isolated pockets of fat like in the chin and neck areas. This petite applicator is perfect for fitting under the chin and reducing submental fullness.
Related article: CoolSculpting treatment areas >>
CoolSculpting Chin Before and After*
CoolSculpting before and after images show the results of real fat freezing patients. Each patient saw a reduction in their double chin and turkey necks. As with any cosmetic procedure, results may vary.* The only way to ensure you receive optimal results by selecting an expert medical spa to perform this technique sensitive treatment.

CoolSculpting Chin Near Me
You can eliminate any embarrassing chin and neck fat by scheduling your first CoolSculpting treatment. Learn how this painless, non-invasive treatment can reduce troublesome fat in the submental region, contact Laser + Skin Institute. We are a leading CoolSculpting chin provider in our area. We have an exceptional treatment staff that can help you get optimal results. Book your free consultation to learn everything you need to know about freezing fat. Call us at (973) 635-5050.
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