Core Workouts with CoolTone

Core Workouts with CoolTone

What is more attractive than slender waists with sculpted abs? So many people are looking for the next promising core workouts to chisel their midsection.

Unfortunately, the number of crunches and sit-ups necessary to achieve a six-pack make this aesthetic almost impossible to obtain. The secret to getting a lean waist and washboard abs is the body sculpting treatment, CoolTone. This treatment is FDA cleared to strengthen, firm, and tone the abdominal muscles.

Read on to learn more about the core workouts possible with CoolTone.

What Can Traditional Core Workouts Do?

Traditional workouts of sit-ups, crunches, and planks can only do so much for the physique. When done correctly and frequently, they can strengthen the abdomen. However, they may not chisel the abs the way one might be expecting.

See CoolTone before and after pics >>

What Can Traditional Core Workouts not Do?

Science shows that six-pack abs are elusive to most people. It doesn’t matter how much they diet and exercise. We can thank genetics for this fact.

Moreover, you can have strong abdominal muscles. Still, if you carry any extra weight around in the midsection, they can be obscured by that belly fat. No amount of core exercises can change that. The thought that specific ab exercises can spot reduce abdominal muscles is a myth. Working out muscles that lay below fat bulges will not specifically target those stubborn fat cells.

Working Your Core with CoolTone

Fortunately, for people who do not have time, energy, or the right genetics to sculpt a lean six-pack, CoolTone can help. This body sculpting treatment uses advanced electromagnetic technology to induce a physical response known as magnetic muscle stimulation or MMS. During treatments, electromagnetic energy penetrates the muscle tissues. This energy stimulates the tissues causing them to contract.

One treatment induces more than 20,000 contractions in a single, painless 30-minute procedure.

These are not ordinary contractions. They are supramaximal contractions and rival the manual contractions done during exercise. In response to the powerful tension placed on the target tissue during treatments, the body adapts by creating more muscle cells and enlarging existing muscle tissues. This results in a firmer, sculpted midsection.

Core Workouts with CoolTone Near Me

If you want to learn more about the superhuman core workouts possible with CoolTone, contact Laser + Skin Institute. We are a proud provider of CoolTone treatments in the Chatham, NJ, area. Call us at 973-635-5050 to schedule your free consultation or reach out to us online.


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CoolTone Abs in 30-Minutes

CoolTone Abs in 30-Minutes

Countless men and women work their cores manually in the gym with no positive results. Now, with CoolTone abs, you can achieve a slim, sculpted waistline in just 30-minutes. The truth is that the number of crunches it takes to obtain a defined midsection is almost impossible to achieve. Thankfully, CoolTone treatments provided people with a powerful core workout that sculpts the stomach muscles. The body sculpting treatment is FDA cleared to strengthen, firm, and tone the abdominal muscles. Learn more about CoolTone stomach treatments here.

What Do Regular Core Workouts Do?

Manual exercise can only do so much for your body. Crunches, planks, and sit-ups are great exercises for your abs, but they may not chisel your stomach the way you want. In fact, many men and women do all out in the gym trying to achieve a sculpted stomach with manual exercise alone.

See CoolTone before and after >>

What Do Regular Core Workouts Not Do?

Science reveals that rock-hard abs are elusive for some people. The truth is that genetics is a prominent factor in how our bodies react to manual exercise. Some people could work their core out every day of the week and still not see the sculpted muscles they desire.

Moreover, you can have solid abs but carry extra weight around that obscures them. No amount of core exercise can change anything if you struggle with fat bulges in the stomach. Also, the idea that you can spot reduce fat and sculpt washboard abs is a myth. Working out the muscles that lay below fat bulges will not always reduce fat in that area.

Related: CoolSculpting fat freezing treatments >>

Achieve Cool Tone Abs in 30-Minutes

For people who don’t necessarily have the right genetics or the time to spend in the gym working their stomachs, Cool Tone can help. This body sculpting treatment is scientifically proven to strengthen the core and provide Cool Tone abs when manual exercise fails.

Cool Tone uses advanced electromagnetic technology to induce a powerful physical response known as magnetic muscle stimulation. During one session, the electromagnetic energy penetrates the muscle tissue below the skin. This energy stimulates the tissue, causing contractions.

One Cool Tone treatment induces more than 20,000 contractions in a single session that is virtually painless and lasts 30 minutes.

The contractions obtained during a Cool Tone session are not regular muscle contractions. They are supramaximal contractions and can only be induced during a body sculpting treatment. The contractions place powerful tension on the target muscle tissues. The body adapts to this tension by creating more muscle cells and enlarging the existing muscle tissue. The result is a stronger, sculpted core.

CoolTone Abs Near Me

If you want to learn more about CoolTone stomach treatments and how to get rock-hard CoolTone Abs, contact Laser + Skin Institute. We are a proud provider of this revolutionary body sculpting treatment in the Chatham area. Call us at 973-635-5050 to schedule a free consultation and learn how this treatment can enhance your core.


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CoolTone Chatham | Build, Sculpt, and Strengthen Muscles


CoolTone Chatham | Build, Sculpt, and Strengthen Muscles

CoolTone is a new body contouring treatment that helps sculpt and build the perfect body. This treatment targets major muscle groups, abdomen, upper legs, and buttocks. One 30-minute treatment stimulates 20,000 super contractions that effectively enhance muscles. Learn more about CoolTone in Chatham.

Why Millions Choose Cool Tone?

  • FDA cleared & scientifically proven
  • Safe and effective
  • Strengthen & sculpt thighs
  • Lift & tone the buttocks
  • Strengthen the core
  • No surgery or downtime
  • Stimulates 20,000 supramaximal contractions

CoolTone Chatham Before and After*

The CoolTone Chatham before and after images demonstrate real results from real patients. Each transformation illustrates the body contouring possibilities that CoolTone provides. As with any cosmetic body shaping treatment, results may vary.*

Cooltone results for male abdomen before and after at Laser + Skin Institute in Chatham, New Jersey.
Cooltone results of male's stomach before and after at Laser + Skin Institute in Chatham, New Jersey.

How Does Cool Tone Work?

When we perform crunches, lunges, or squats, we are manually contracting the muscles. Repeat contractions will strain the muscles. In response, the body repairs the muscles making them stronger and larger. CoolTone treatments follow this same model, only more effective.

CoolTone treatments use Magnetic Muscle Stimulation MMS technology. This electromagnetic energy will pass through the skin safely and penetrate the target muscles. The energy stimulates the muscle tissue, causing it to contract and relax at an almost superhuman rate. The powerful contractions or supramaximal contractions build, strengthen, and sculpt the physique. Just one 30-minute treatment will induce 20,000 contractions.

Related article: What is CoolTone >>

How Much Does CoolTone Cost?

CoolTone cost can be an important factor for most patients. While most believe this body contouring treatment is out of their price range, most are pleased to learn that it is affordable. Your specific CoolTone cost will depend on a few factors, such as the target area you select and how many treatments you require. You can schedule a free consultation to discuss the price with a treatment technician. If they determine this muscle-building treatment is right for you, they can help customize the perfect plan to fit your budget.

Learn more about CoolTone Cost >>

CoolTone Chatham Results

Typical treatments include four cycles to achieve optimal results. The standard treatment protocol includes four Cool Tone cycles. CoolTone cycles are done every two to three days. Results may appear within 3 to 4 weeks after treatments. Patients will see progressive results for up to 6 months afterward.

The best CoolTone Chatham results can be achieved at the most reputable spas. Laser + Skin Institute is a proud Cool Tone provider. We have the latest CoolTone technology and expert treatment specialists. Each patient received optimal treatment experiences that yield transformative results.

CoolTone Chatham Providers

If you want to learn more about the body contouring treatment Cool Tone, contact the Laser + Skin Institute. We are a genuine CoolTone Chatham provider. We offer knowledgeable technicians and enjoyable treatment experiences. Schedule your free consultation to learn more and begin your Cool Tone journey. Call us at (973) 635-5050.


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Build Muscle + Burn Fat with CoolTone

Build Muscle Burn Fat

Build Muscle + Burn Fat with CoolTone

When you want to build muscle, burn fat, and sculpt an athletic-looking body, you have more options than just dieting and exercise alone. CoolTone, the revolutionary body contouring procedure from the makers of CoolSculpting is the newest way to sculpt a new physique by building muscle and burning fat in the process. Read on to learn more about CoolTone and how this body sculpting treatment can transform the way you look and feel.

Learn more about CoolTone >>

CoolTone Builds Muscle

CoolTone is cleared by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) to “strengthen, tone, and firm the muscles of the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs.” But how does CoolTone do this? The answer is advanced technology utilizing magnetic muscle stimulation (MMS).

During a CoolTone treatment, the machine sends magnetic energy through the skin to penetrate the underlying muscle tissue. The magnetic energy stimulates the muscle, causing the tissue to contract without relaxing. These contractions, known as supramaximal contractions, are far more powerful than the contractions a person can perform on his or her own at the gym. One CoolTone treatment, which lasts 30 minutes, induces more than 20,000 super maximal contractions. In response to the tension placed on the muscle tissue during these contractions, the body undergoes hypertrophy, the process of building, strengthening, and toning muscles by enlarging existing muscle cells.

Learn more about How CoolTone Works >>

CoolTone Burns Fat

Muscle building is a high energy biological process. To fuel the development of new muscle growth, the body taps into surrounding fat cells, called adipocytes. During a process known as lipolysis, fat cells are broken-down and their fatty acids are sent to the muscles to be used up as fuel. This leads to a reduction of fat near the treatment area.

Studies Prove That Cooltone Builds Muscle and Burns Fat

The Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology published a study analyzing muscle-building treatments using magnetic and electromagnetic energy. The authors of the study determined that these treatments not only build muscle but also reduce surrounding fat cells. The authors  determined, “observed waist size reduction and aesthetic improvement appear to be a combination of fat reduction and increased muscle definition of abdominal wall.”

This led to an extremely high satisfaction rate among participants of the study. The authors noted. “89% of patients were satisfied with the treatment results immediately after the last treatment.” Within three months the “satisfaction increased as all patients reported a certain degree of satisfaction.” Furthermore, “89% of patients reported that their abdominal appearance improved immediately after the last treatment and this self‐report further increased to 95% at month 3 follow‐up.”

Build Muscle, Burn Fat with CoolSculpting + CoolTone

Another great way to build muscle and burn fat is combining CoolTone with its sister treatment, CoolSculpting. Also known as fat freezing, CoolSculpting eliminates stubborn fat cells by literally freezing them to death. Studies show that a single CoolSculpting cycle can reduce fat by 25% at the treatment area. Once the fat cells are frozen and eliminated from the body, they are gone for good, resulting in long-lasting fat reduction.

Related article: CoolSculpting and CoolTone >>

Cooltone Near Me

Build muscle, burn fat with CoolTone treatments from the Laser + Skin Institute. Take the first step toward a thin, trim, and toned midsection by scheduling a free consultation. Contact the Laser + Skin Institute online or call (973) 635-5050.


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CoolSculpting and CoolTone | The Best Body Contouring Treatments

CoolSculpting and CoolTone

CoolSculpting and CoolTone | The Best Body Contouring Treatments

CoolSculpting and CoolTone are the most popular body sculpting treatments available. The contouring treatments provide a way to achieve fat reduction and sculpted, firm muscles without surgery or excessive downtime. Read more to learn about CoolSculpting and CoolTone and how they are different to help you decide which treatment is best for you.

What is CoolTone?

CoolTone is a muscle-building treatment that builds, strengthens, and tones muscles in areas like the abdomen, buttocks, and legs. This treatment uses a magnetic muscle stimulating machine to induce powerful muscle contractions. The contractions are known as “supramaximal contractions,” and they are the equivalent of performing 20,000 lunges, crunches, or squats. CoolTone is a body contouring treatment most suited for healthy women and men who are at their ideal body weight, but still struggle with achieving those “washboard abs” or a “Brazilian butt lift.” CoolTone treatment results show through best on this individual because they are not obscured by excessive body fat.

Learn more about CoolTone >>

What is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is the most popular non-invasive fat reduction treatment. This procedure reduces stubborn fat bulges without surgery or a lengthy recovery. CoolSculpting uses a scientific process known as Cryolipolysis, which is the cold-induced destruction of fat cells. During your treatment, your target fat bulges are subjected to precise, controlled cooling. The extreme temperatures will freeze the underlying fat cells, destroying them entirely. Weeks after treatment, your body will collect the dead fat cells and process them out of the body as a form of waste via the lymphatic system. This is how CoolSculpting provides such natural, long-term results for patients.

Much like Cooltone, CoolSculpting treatments work best on healthy men and women who struggle with diet and exercise-resistant fat cells. CoolSculpting is not a weight-loss treatment and should never be used to treat obesity. Instead, this treatment is used on adults who follow a healthy diet and exercise routine to achieve optimal fat reduction.

Learn more about CoolSculpting >>

Combining CoolSculpting and CoolTone

Since CoolSculpting and CoolTone are sister treatments, it is always an excellent idea to get them done together. They complement one another. For patients, treating the abdomen with CoolSculpting will reduce stubborn belly fat and allow underlying muscles to show. Following that with a CoolTone treatment will help that patient achieve firm, defined abdominal muscles.

Each treatment helps magnify the other’s results, so it is no surprise that patients like to have these sister treatments done together. Another great reason to have them performed in tandem is to receive a package treatment deal. When you package CoolSculpting and CoolTone treatments together, you can save money on the overall treatment costs.

To learn more about package deals and how you can save on both CoolSculpting and CoolTone, schedule a complimentary consultation at the Skin + Laser Institute. We are a premier CoolSculpting and CoolTone provider equipped with knowledgeable staff who can help determine if these body contouring treatments will be right for you. During your consultation, your treatment specialist will discuss pricing and package deals in great detail. We can help customize the perfect package deal to help you achieve your goals and fit well within your budget.

CoolSculpting and Cooltone Near Me

For the best CoolSculpting and CoolTone results in the Chatham, NJ area, contact Laser + Skin Institute. Schedule your free consultation and learn how these body contouring treatments can change your physique and your life. Call us at (973) 635-5050.


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